10/12/2020 + 01/07/2019 <3

unlabled + nonbinary + asexual

c!tommy [ dream smp ]
benrey [ hlvrai + y2kvr ]
randal [ ranfren ]
scaramouche [ genshin impact ]
embry [ inmimb ]
ink sans [ undertale/verse ]
dr. boris habit [ sfm ]
sullivan [ obsolete dream ]

ink + they/he

15 | aries | enfp | 7w6 or 2w3

• genshin impact
• randal's friends
• hlvrai
• mcyt / dream smp
• newgrounds
• okegom
• underverse/aus

like how you spam me images when i'm sad, i'm sorry i don't do the same enough but i'm always willing to lend an ear to listen whenever. our little 12 am rps and rants about said rps are always nice, even when i'm a blink away from passing the fuck out, ALSO YOU DON'T GET MAD AT ME FOR BEING TIRED SO THANK YOU??? but literally we can do anything and we can find a way to make it enjoyable or at least decent enough and holy shit that's so hard to do with a lot of people??? i'll say it again, i love you so much and you mean a lot to me, i don't know where i would be without you xP

new arc because now we are lovers and i am madly in love with you!! (and vv ofc) and i feel as what i wrote before still fits but it's now in a romantic sense, duh- andyandyandyandy i literally love you so much, you're quite literally always there, always online, always sending stuff so i can make conversation with you! def not a neg thing i actually enjoy talking with you, you don't force me to do things when i express discomfort with it and you're always thinking about me and the others. all the small things you do for me really impact me and i find it so nice,

    you're always finding new ways to make me all "wahsjdfnjasdan" YOU KNOW??? and you're always there, except when you're not because yOU LAG WITH RESPONDING- [/lh idm <3] smh my head! but literally you make me the happiest i've been in awhile, i wouldn't mind staying up all night if it meant i got to talk to you for hours, i wouldn't mind doing a lot of things for you! i'm always here for you and i'm glad you find comfort being with me since i find that with you <33

    vv you never check SHIT but it's okay i still love you stupid! anyways vv my dearly and most beloved, you mean to much to me holds your hands mwa mwa! you are so fucking cryptic but that's the charm, and you match my energy of making fun of you too which is honestly so cute,,, you're my longest relationship my happiest at that! you don't make me feel like i have to earn your love or be put in uncomfortable situations to make you happy because you love me, that's really nice,,,

      they listen to my stupid rambles and i listen to theirs, it's nice just having each other like this. i could go on about how much they've helped me but that would take so long and a lot of info dumping, i'm just really happy to have them in my life and i couldn't ask for a better friend group because then it would be impossible, i think i would be a completely different person if i hadn't met you all. thank you for everything guys <3

      OH GOD IT'S OUR SERVER- this chaotic mess is the where i'm most happiest, they're all there for me and i am there for them! things can be rough but we always try to lift each other up and you know what, we are so fucking cool for that. they all mean so much to me and make my life brighter, even if i close myself off a lot they are always supportive of me and i couldn't ask for anything better.

        impcraig, greaserparty, deep-sea prisoner, melonpaya, robotic-maid, spooochy, awuishy-robot, awuishy-robot, deep-sea prisoner, skinnedpineapples, osshouri55, heart_puff